

Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd

Elegance Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. is an esteemed organization with its Make In India Brand that represents Chromatographic Products (HPLC & Prep Columns/GC Columns/Purification Products/HPLC & GC Accessories/Syringe Filters & Vials) and Laboratory Instruments.

Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd is a one stop Scientific Solutions provider in separation sciences to deliver the ultimate satisfaction to its clients. Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd provides all that a customer needs in the field of Analytical and Purification chromatography, starting from Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) cartridges, well-plates, micro-elution well-plates, low pressure chromatography columns (Flash Chromatography), Flash Instruments, Analytical Columns to Preparative Columns with all diverse chemistry including HPLC/UHPLC Analytical columns, normal and reverse phase, size exclusion, HILIC, ion-exchange, preparative columns, bulk media, Dynamic Axial Compression (DAC) columns etc.

Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd offers quality solutions for method development with polar & non-polar columns & great efficiency and selectivity with multiple phase and particle size to choose from within the various product range; we have great product range to address the requirements of discovery & prep labs with scalable particle range offering excellent peak shape & assured reproducibility with high pure & inert silica in our flash and HPLC columns.

Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd

Founder & Managing Director Message

Our Mission:

To become the preferred technology partner and to provide better chromatography solution for all pharmaceutical sector, life sciences, analytical, diagnostics and health care laboratories.

Our Vision:

To help and support Scientists and Chemist to deliver results to improve the standard of chromatography by introducing and providing innovative technologies and scientific expertise.