Elegance Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. is an esteemed organization with its Make In India Brand that represents Chromatographic Products (HPLC & Prep Columns/GC Columns/Purification Products/HPLC & GC Accessories/Syringe Filters & Vials) and Laboratory Instruments.
Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd is a one stop Scientific Solutions provider in separation sciences to deliver the ultimate satisfaction to its clients. Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd provides all that a customer needs in the field of Analytical and Purification chromatography, starting from Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) cartridges, well-plates, micro-elution well-plates, low pressure chromatography columns (Flash Chromatography), Flash Instruments, Analytical Columns to Preparative Columns with all diverse chemistry including HPLC/UHPLC Analytical columns, normal and reverse phase, size exclusion, HILIC, ion-exchange, preparative columns, bulk media, Dynamic Axial Compression (DAC) columns etc.
Elegance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd offers quality solutions for method development with polar & non-polar columns & great efficiency and selectivity with multiple phase and particle size to choose from within the various product range; we have great product range to address the requirements of discovery & prep labs with scalable particle range offering excellent peak shape & assured reproducibility with high pure & inert silica in our flash and HPLC columns.
To become the preferred technology partner and to provide better chromatography solution for all pharmaceutical sector, life sciences, analytical, diagnostics and health care laboratories.
To help and support Scientists and Chemist to deliver results to improve the standard of chromatography by introducing and providing innovative technologies and scientific expertise.