S. No | Topic | Mode |
1 | What is chromatography technique and their principle and application, basic information HPLC, GC, SPE and elegance product line. | Online/Offline |
2 | Normal phase , Reverse phase and HILIC Chromatography | Online/Offline |
3 | Role of Synrige Filter,vials,Solid phase exraction,Membrane filters. | Online/Offline |
4 | Role of pH, buffer, mobile phase, and sample separation in HPLC analysis. | Online/Offline |
5 | Troubleshooting (tailing factor, resolution, fronting, theoretical plate, capacity factor, retention time) | Online/Offline |
6 | Instrumentation of HPLC /LC MS and their role and application | Online/Offline |
7 | What is flash column and SPE their chemistries and application | Online/Offline |
8 | HPLC method development, calibration, validation by ICH and documentation | Online/Offline |
9 | ISO 17025, Validation ICH | Online/Offline |
10 | What is CRM and how to use, concentration (PPM, PPB.PPT,) ISO 17034 | Online/Offline |
11 | Role of Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) | Online/Offline |
Note: Any topics from your side please send us in mail technical@elegancels.com