HPLC Assenture Columns

Assenture columns come with standard column specs to deliver high performance. Optimal hydrophobicity, great resolution, high durability, and are highly reproducible columns. Assenture columns are extremely versatile and you go to choice column for first step in development phase in multiple separation fields of pharmaceutical industry, food industry, chemical industry and environmental testing industry.

Assenture column offers a vast range of chemistries that makes it easy to choose multiple chemistries within similar specs to select an alternative phase beyond the alkyl chain chemistry.

HPLC Column Selection by Manufacturer
Assenture Series
Phase Particle size Pore Size Surface Area Carbon load End capped PH Range USP
C18 3,5,10 100 325 19 Yes 2-8.5 L1
C8 3,5,10 100 325 11 Yes 2-8.5 L7
Phenyl 3,5,10 100 325 12 Yes 2-8.5 L11

NOTE: For all the regular & customized dimensions along with their Price & Lead Time, drop an inquiry at sales@elegancels.com